Meringankan Beban Visitor Blog Via Ponsel

Mengisi waktu luang saya akan share tentang cara agar blog kita ringan saat dikunjungi via ponsel sehingga tidak membebani visitor dengan harus menunggu loading yang lama. dengan menggunakan carai ini mempermudah visitor mengakses atau mendapatkan dengan cepat melalui blog kita.
adapun caranya sebagai berikut :
kita masuk Rancangan lalu Edit HTML
jika sudah masuk, cari code berikut
<b:include data='blog' name='all-head-content'/>
bila tidak menemukan code di atas, cari code <head>
jika sudah menemukan salah satunya lalu copas code berikut tepat dibawah code diatas
<meta content='IE=EmulateIE7' http-equiv='X-UA-Compatible'/>
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Selamat Mencoba...... dan Sukses Selalu Untuk Sobat

Selamat Datang Sitelink Ke-2 Petotu

Rasa senang dan gembira ria kini saya petotu rasa karena kepergian sitelink petotu enam minggu yang lalu kini telah dengan membawa senyuman manis yang tentunya membuat peptotu makin akrab dengan google (siah... masak sich begitu) sebenarnya saya tidak tau apa manfaat dari sitelink tersebut tapi bagi saya cukup membanggakan karena sitelink itu sangat indah dipandang mata (hahahaha gaya lhoooo..) dan yang jelas bagi saya ada atau tidak ada manfaatnya sitelink ini tetep menjadi suatu kebanggaan bagi petotu.

Awalnya saya googling scripsi menggunakan beberapa mesin pencari namun tak jua temukan, yang kudapatkan hanyalah kejenuhan dan kepala aoleng hingga akhirnya iseng-iseng memulis key Petotu di Brothersoft yang kelihatannya merupakan mesin pecari tapi saya tidak tau pasti tapi mirip dengan google, saya masukkan key tersebut lalu saya enter eh malah muncul seperti berikut :
Melihat tampilan seperti di atas saya rasa itu merupakan sitelink yang didapat petotu namun dari tampilan diatas saya belum yakin kalau itu adalah sitelink lalu saya buka dan masukkan key yang sama seperti diatas dengan tampilan sebagai berikut :

Dari sinilah saya percaya kalau petotu mendapatkan sitelink lagi yang tentunya merupakan sitelink ke 2 setelah kemaren mendapatkan lalu hilang. dan sitelink ke-2 yang baru petotu dapat ini. semoga kekal abadi dipangkuan Petotu, Aamii
owh ya barangkali ada teman-teman, sobat-sobat blogger ataupun yang lainnya memiliki scripsi yang bisa dijadikan referensi seputar SEO, bantu saya donk....! anda membantu saya, yang Pasti saya akan memberi tanda terimakasih walaupun tidak banyak hehehehe.

Cara Membuat Template Blog Maintence Sederhana

Tidak jarang kita menjumpai blog yang bertuliskan *blog ini sedang diadakan perbaikan atau maaf situs ini maintence, dll* kita bahas sedikit tentang Maintence, Menurut saya Maintenance adalah halaman web/blog yang didalam web/blog tersebut sedang dalam masa perbaikan.
Dalam postingan kali ini saya mencoba untuk berbagi tentang Cara Membuat Template Blog Maintence Sederhana, walaupun tampilannya tidak begitu bagus sesuai dengan judulnya sederhana, cara membuatnya pun cukup sederhana gitu, siapa tau ada salah satu dari ribuan teman saya ada yang membutuhkannya.
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  • Jika sudah selesai Simpan Template
Sampai disini dulu ya........semoga post kali ini bisa bermanfaat bagi siapa saja yang memanfaatkan hehehe...
owh ya untuk melihat LIVE DEMOnya bisa sobat Lihat DI SINI

Tips for Attaining Better Website Rankings

Do you have your own site and you want to improvise website rankings? For that, you need to understand some factors that may influence you website rank. Website ranking establishes the hierarchy of websites on a search engine. It is a procedure through which the search engines assign a ranking to your site as compared to others. There is a procedure through which the search engines determine the order of placing the websites in search results. You must follow some rules for placing your website on a better position:

• Choose a user friendly content management system.

• Create a simple website design and an easy navigation. You can use HTML sitemapsand XML sitemaps. You can create a sitemap so that it becomes easy for the readers to access the information as needed.

• Make sure that you submit your pages to popular social bookmarking sites, search engines, and website directories etc. Try to avoid automated submission for search engines etc.

• Join online communities that are relevant to your business.

• Use text links instead of image links.

• Analyse the visitor location with the help of analytical software. Try to find out the keywords that may improvise the relevance of your site.

• Always focus on quality.

• Try to find out the information required by the users. In this way, you will be able to relate your website with the internet surfers.

• Always keep your content updatedon a regular basis to increase website rankings.

• Try to inculcate high quality backlinks. They are the building blocks to good search engine optimisation (SEO). It is helpful in gaining the visibility online.

• Make your site in a specific hierarchy. Start it with the ‘headings’ section. Highlight your content title and try to make it eye catching.

• Always focus on the first paragraph of your site. The first paragraph should be such that it creates a positive impression on your readers. It should be subject specific; it must give detailed description of your website.

• You must give a special emphasis on the keywords in your paragraph. Apart from that, your primary keywords should be found in page titles and headers.

• Use heading tags and highlight important information. Always choose those META descriptions that are unique and enticing for every page of your website.

• Use bullets for a better organization of your content.

• You can use forum posting, article writing, guest blogging, free reports, and newsletters.

• To promote your website, always comment on blogs.

• Avoid duplicate content. Popular search engines restrict it and duplicate content does not help at all in increasing website rankings.

• Avoid linking your website to web spammers.

• Add pages to your website but make sure that they do not relate to useless information. Adding irrelevant information will lower your ranking.

• Hiring professionals is highly recommended.
By using these simple guidelines, you can easily achieve a better ranking for your website.

US Gold Bureau Offers A Precious Metal With Amazing Properties: Silver

Today, silver is one of the best known precious metals and a huge seller for companies like US Gold Bureau that specialize in selling such metals for investment purposes. The reason for silver's popularity stretches back thousands of years to around 3,000 BC when the first human discoveries about this metal were believed to have been made. At that time, the fact that it could be separated from lead and used to decorate things made it attractive. Today, those who buy silver from companies like United States Gold Bureau are investing in silver because it has more uses than ever before. One of the most common is, as you might imagine, jewelry.
Jewelry, while being a common use for silver, often does not contain as much silver as many people believe. Usually, the silver is combined with copper to form an alloy, something that is easy to do with silver. 
This differs from silver purchased through US Gold Bureau or a similar company because those coins and bullion are pure silver which is far more valuable by weight.
Silver is exceptionally malleable and this makes it valuable for a number of purposes such as shaping, but the fact that it is the most conductive metal for electricity and heat also sets it apart from the rest. When someone takes a look at silver offered by companies like United States Gold Bureau, it is a good idea for them to consider the that the properties silver has make it useful in all sorts of industries. A good example is the fact that silver is found in many mirrors to help them create a reflective surface. It is also used in optics and the development of camera film.
Those who are familiar with holistic health topics might realize that silver also as antimicrobial properties.In the past, babies had silver dollars set on their eyes for a short period of time to help prevent blindness brought on by infections. While this is not done today, silver continues to have strong uses for medicinal purposes and also for dentistry where it is a component in fillings for cavities.
Clearly, silver has a long history of being useful to humans and there is every indication that this will continue to be the case for centuries to come. While it might not be the killer of vampires and werewolves that it was once rumored to be, today we can see that this is one precious metal that is used by a large number of industries and can be a key component to a diverse portfolio of precious metal investments.

Advantages of Using Custom Post Types

What are Custom Post types?

Before we discuss the benefits of custom posts, we need understand what they actually mean. This is basically types of posts that can be defined as per the requirement of the theme of your website. In addition to pages and blog entries, businesses today prefer to integrate more complex features such as events, information on the key people of the company, and even product information. One would need a systematic tool to ensure organization of this information and this can be done through customization of post types.

There are a number of benefits that custom post types on WordPress pose to site owners. WordPress Customization allows you to integrate unique features into your pages to make sure you can optimize the features for internet success -

1. The advent of custom posting features has made possible for administrators to no longer be dependent on functionality features such as tags and nested pages to provide basic features such as separation of pages. 
 These weren't always effective and were very difficult to implement for even simple websites.

2. This tool allows you to display your content in a custom manner thus ensuring that the viewers are guided to the information by laying significant impetus on the data.

3. It allows you to present your data the way you want to. You can hide data and choose to present to the audience only when required. This is especially useful when you wish to segregate your default queries from specialized queries thus organizing your information and choosing what information will be public and what information will be specialized.

4. WordPress Customization helps make the portal a lot more user-friendly for administrators who are not very technologically sound. Managing podcast and blog posting becomes a lot easier, and also improves productivity and efficiency.

5. Custom posting allows administrators to enhance website security by eliminating the need to integrate all third-party plug-ins which are likely to make your portal a lot more vulnerable.

6. Custom post types helps enhance productivity by offering simple user-friendly features which are more likely to be use than additional fields which are commonly ignored while making a post. Features such as adding music, videos etc to a post are less likely to be used, thus WordPress customization allows you to select the type of post before you start your post thus allowing your manage the updating of your content a lot more efficient.

Customization of WordPress posts is extremely easy to learn and can be implemented without any trouble by even a lay person. With these features you can now get innovative with the pages by adding features such as displaying custom post types in loop mode, incorporation ad display of Meta fields, and even customize the position of the menu to enhance functionality and simplify navigation.

Even though one may consider WordPress customization to a blog site, its functionality allow you to do wonderful things to the portal allowing you to create an experience for your viewer which is no different from a full-fledged dynamic websites.

Gold Investment: The best time to Buy Gold Coins

Gold can be a good investment. This, nonetheless, doesn't imply when you buy gold coins or bars you are able to expect something in return straight away. Similar to other large investments, you should discover how and when to take a position. How are you able to be effective in operating a business in the event you do not know something about your trade? Studying the basics is extremely essential in each business. It requires time, hard work, and proper expertise to grow to be effective.

The reason why invest in gold?

Gold is the most popular investment among precious metals. You'll find two forms of gold investments: gold coins and gold bars. Gold bars are much more consistent with regards to high quality and worth. They also differ in dimensions from modest to significant. However, gold coins call for proper grading to gauge its worth.

Which sort of gold should I buy?

Understanding which sort of gold you must buy is extremely critical. 
 This depends on your objectives. In case your aim would be to steer clear of monetary "uncertainties" or capitalize on price tag motion, it is recommended to buy gold coins. Investors wanting to obtain large income include pre-1933 gold coins in their assortment.These coins possess a long and verified record in the uncommon coin marketplace. Also, they are especially exempt from existing gold confiscation legal guidelines.Investing in bullion coins is also an excellent choice. It is possible to check their worth from time to time and look at their gold melt value.

This really is just an outline. If you want to know much more in depth info, it's also recommended to evaluation the worth online. It is possible to seek out various web sites or talk to authorities to understand much more about gold investment. You might also check with merchants who sell gold online. Be sure you consult a professional before you make an investment.

You ought to also take into account which type of coins or bars could lead to storage issues or greater storage cost. Find the best method to increase your returns from gold by picking the best investment technique, which could decrease your expenses.

So when do I buy?

The brief solution for this is "when you will need it." One thing you should comprehend is gold investment is distinct from shares or real estate. Timing is not really an issue. The very first thing you should question oneself is regardless of whether you need to invest or not. If you believe you are able to get much more income when you buy gold coins, there's no require to delay your purchase. If you really want to be more particular concerning the worth of gold, you are able to go online and check the stats.

Quite a few businessmen right now see gold as a ideal alternative to inflation, and excellent long-term investment. The cost of an ounce of gold in the last few years increased from around $500 in 2001 to more than $3,000 many years later.

If you would like to take a position in gold, make sure you operate having a specialist gold company. This can help you steer clear of any issues and pitfalls. Examine their profile and evaluation their ratings. You can even read critiques and feedback on blog discussion boards. Critique testimonies and keep an eye for just about any complaints. This will most likely tell you in the event you will likely be comfy operating with them.

The Thin And Skinny Nokia 700 Powerful Smartphone

Nokia has always given something new and interesting to its viewers. It has come out with latest inventions of smart phones such as Nokia Lumia, Nokia 710, Nokia 900 and many more. Their launched gadgets are always talk of the town and are eagerly awaited by their admirers. Now the company has produced the world's smallest handset called Nokia 700 which is quite sleek, slim and small. It possess a clear black touch screen and the thin frame holds a 3.2 inch AMOLED.

The weight of the smart phone is just 92g and the thickness of the phone is 9.7mm. Moreover it has an external speaker at the bottom curve and 5MP and VGA cameras. The gadget has a steel finished smooth battery cover and gives a feeling of soft touch also encasing the camera all along with the LED flash and tiny clip. Nokia 700 has a soft mini camera key located at the right side of the gadget along with the lock button and quite long volume rocker. 
 All the keys are fingernail thin and very oddly spaced. At the top portion of the phone there is a micro USB port, charge port and 3.5mm headphone jack. Also at the front you would find three spongy keys called end call, menu and call.

Nokia 700 Symbian operating system with its widget laden six home screens seems to have taken inspiration from Android and in this gadget you cannot use your own headset. This smart phone has 1GHz processor and is very much polished as compare to its predecessor such as Nokia E7. Symbian has done great improvements in the handsets of Nokia. Due to its small size the gadget easily adjust in your hands very comfortably.

The body build up of the smart phone is very solid and the quality is up to the mark.
For social networking, browsing the web pages and emails you would find Wi-Fi and 3G but there is no social networking integration. Also for the user it is very difficult to operate the QWERTY touch screen keyboard in the portrait mode and Nokia 700 lacks decent apps in the Ovi store Check out the Best Seller Handset of this Time 

Buy Silver Coins and see your Collection Grow

Silver is an important metal that people have used for centuries. People use this for
manufacturing jewellery, silverware, medical and dental equipments including latest gadgets. Today, people who buy silver in UK online consider this a fantastic venture.

Why should you buy silver?

There are certainly folks who buy silver coins mainly because they love history. Numismatists or coin collectors get ancient silver and gold coins as a part of their collection.

You can increase your own investment by getting silver bullion. Silver coins are less costly in comparison with gold bullion coins. The good thing about these coins is the fact that its value increases exponentially with time.  Their price also doesn't fluctuate unlike common jewellery.

The cost of silver coins depends on how rare it truly is. 
Silver coins dated more than 80 or 90 years back are more expensive compared to those created in the later years. They are more valuable because people did not make many silver coins during days past.

Silver can measure up to 20 to 50 times their value once people melt them. You can earn from them once appraisers and coin collectors decide to purchase them from you.

Here's a handy tip. Purchase silver bullion in big amounts, as it's less expensive. Plus, many dealers would not sell you silver coins per piece. The greater amount of bullion you've got, the better your odds are of
getting bigger profit.

Get the best online dealer if you'd like to buy silver in UK. Online dealers usually have good websites that sell several of these items and offer relevant information. You will find sites that also provide helpful tips once you buy silver coins.

Below are a few simple steps you should take should you decide to buy silver in UK online:

- Check the prices for Gold and silver coins as well as gold and silver bars online.

- Look for their contact information and give them a telephone call. Ask them all your questions and then make sure you actually have an understanding of their services. You can complete their online order form if you are satisfied.

- Your order should be emailed to you with the invoice in addition to the payment details.

- Your dealer should send the items as soon as your payment has been cleared. The merchandise needs to be sent via insured Royal Mail Special delivery inside of an unbranded case. Your dealer should likewise email your tracking number on the day of dispatch.

Common questions of consumers

Exactly how much are the shipping rates in england?

You can find dealers that charge postage to have their product prices to a minimum. Postal charges will depend upon the cost and weight of your goods. Dealers send parcels employing a special delivery insured up to 2,500 euro. The dealer's own insurance firm covers orders over that amount. This extra
insurance is free of cost. Call your dealer for accurate delivery quotes.

Can you find dealers that ship away from UK?

There are various businesses that ship internationally. Your client, however, should accept the fee for the postage and also the parcels insurance. Their prices may change with regards to the height and width of the transaction.

Raspberry Ketone A Great Natural Supplement For Getting Slim

Raspberry ketone is the primary aroma compound of redraspberries as it is a natural Phenolic compound. It is used in various ways like manufacturing perfumery in makeup or cosmetics. Raspberry ketone has also played an important role in food industry as flavor components. The raspberry ketone hasbeendeclaredin general recognized as safe (GRAS) grade.In plants, coumaroyl-CoA is used to synthesize raspberry ketone.One to four milligrams of pure raspberry ketone extract can be taken from one kilogram of raspberries.

Raspberry ketone is not found in nature abundantly. So,raspberry ketone can be prepared industrially by a variety of methods from chemical intermediates. Like raspberry ketone can be prepared through a crossed aldol-catalytic hydrogenation. In acetone and sodium hydroxide, 4-hydroxybenzaldehyde can form α, β-unsaturated ketone. 

This then goes through catalytic hydrogenation to produce raspberry ketone. This method produces a 99% yield.

When it was experimented to mice in high doses (up to 2% of food ingestion), raspberry ketone has been successful to put off high-fat-diet-induced elevations in body weight. This result is reported to stem from the modification of lipid metabolism, by rising norepinephrine-induced lipolysis. A new weight loss product named the Raspberry Ketone Diet uses the natural constituent found in raspberries as a means of helping people to reduce body weight. This enzymeraspberry ketone is the currentinnovation from the berry that is already recognizedas it has many antioxidant properties, those are used toprovide fitness many people as well as help in reducing weight. They enhance the metabolism by increasing the release of a hormone called norepinephrine.Raspberry ketonehas been used throughout history as anenhancement, as well as in many medicines. 

Raspberries are well known for its storage ofantioxidants that is very helpful to keep the human body running properly regardless of the advance of age. Raspberry ketone is also helpfulto relax and calm down the blood vessels that reduce the danger of heart problems and other disorders.

However, the innovation of Raspberry ketone has led to an attention-grabbing conclusion that raspberries that areconsidered as a good resource of nutrients can help people to reduce weight. The Raspberry Ketone is such an enzyme that become famous for weight loss and supposed to be animportantanswer to weight gain resulting from a high fat diet. It will play anessential role in helpingpeople tomanage weight loss and gain.Raspberry ketone has direct impact on the fat cells in the body, and it is proving to be effectual to encourage fat burning and overall weight loss in the human body.

Raspberry ketone is a natural organic chemical. These are available in capsules as a weight loss support means. Raspberry ketone side effects have not been revealed in any scientific font and are supposed to be secure and successful. But in case of raspberry allergies victims should contact their health care contributor before using any raspberry ketone products.

Find out how to lose weight in one month

If anybody is really sincere to know about how to lose weight in one month must also be aware of the fact that losing how much weight in a month can be considered as healthy. It is also important to know that there is no quick fix way or magic pill to reduce as much weight one wants without causing any kind of health hazard. Certainly one can lose weight in a week but how much weight he should lose is a question that requires serious consideration.

There are a number of methods that can be used to lose some quick way in a healthy and less troublesome manner and weight loss exercise is always a very integral part of any such process. One may follow the following tips to shade of some pounds from his body within a month without causing any damage to the body.

1. Staying on a diet is really important to lose some quick weight but that can never mean making one to starve.
A diet to lose weight means eating healthier and avoiding junk foods or processed foods as much as possible.

2. The best answer to the question how to lose weight in one month is by staying away from carbohydrates as possible. In this respect a low-carb diet may be extremely useful because with a low-carb diet one can expect to lose weight in a week as many as four pounds in the very first week itself. But low-carb diet can affect the muscle tissues and must be accompanied by weight loss exercise to compensate for the loss. Damaged and reduced muscle tissues can affect the BMI and metabolism rate by a significant amount.

3. It is always better to have 5 or six small meals instead of three big meals because that can help to increase the rate of metabolism and can effectively help one to lose weight in a week.

Certain cardio-vascular weight loss exercise like running, skipping, jogging etc.
That makes the heart to pump and sweat is also very effective way to lose some quick weight with minimum possibility of adverse side effects. Apart from the physical exercises one might also prefer some light weight training because they may help the body muscles and muscle tissues from getting sick which is often the side effect of the low carb diets for weight loss. Prefer the natural methods instead of pills and other drastic ways to discover how to lose weight in one month effectively.

Daftar Blog Newbie di Pamekasan

Sebelum saya pergi ke kamar mandi ambil Wudhu' buat persiapan sholat duhur saya ingin share tentang beberapa blog yang masih newbie yang semua pemiliknya kenal betul dengan saya.
adapun Daftar Blog Newbie di Pamekasan sebagai berikut :

Blog ini kelihatannya selalu memposting tentang pendidikan agama, cerita yang mengandung motivasi sukses dalam hidup baik didunia maupun di akhirat.
Blog ini menshare atau menyediakan lagu-lagu madura yang populer yang mana jika kita ingin memiliki lagu madura bisa mengambilnya atau mendownloadnya diblog tersebut
Blog ini hanya dijadikan sebagai catatan harian, tempat curhat tapi dia juga mempunyai keinginan menjadi blogger yang hebat seperti agan-agan yang lain.
Postingan yang ada dalam blog ini semuanya hasil copy-paste, tidak ada satupun yang original.
Blog ini merupakan blog toko online, jika anda ingin berbelanja anda bisa berkunjung pada blog tersebut, dan barang yang dijual adalah berupa produk asli madura yang sekarang marak hingga internasional.
postingan dalam blog ini bermacam-macam, ada seputar IT ada puisi ada curhatan pokoknya lengkap dech........... untuk lebih jelasnya bisa lihat sendiri, hitung-hitung nyumbang trafik hehe
kalau blog ini adalah blog pendidikan yang sengaja dibangun untuk keprluan pendidikan saja, seperti profil sekolah download materi dan sebagainya.
kalau blog yang satu ini, adalah blog orang dewasa. anak kecil ga' boleh liat blog ini. tapi kalau kamu kecil tapi umurnya 30 tahun, wes tidak apa-apa melihatnya. hahahahaha
blog ini blog organisasi, yaitu blog pramuka, jika anda ingin mencari sesuatu tentang pramuka anda bisa mencarinya disini, siapa tau ada.
ini adalah blog pendidikan yang sengaja dibangun untuk keprluan pendidikan saja, seperti profil sekolah download materi dan sebagainya.

Saya berharap kepada agan-agan untuk membantu blog tersebut demi kesetaraan dalam dunia blogging, jangan lupa juga bantu blog ini ya.... soalnya newbie juga ne...hehehe

Award ke Tujuh dan Kedelapan Petotu

Setelah kemarin petotu mendapatkan award ke empat, Lima dan ke Enam, Kini Petotu mendapatkan award kembali yang merupakan Award ke Tujuh dan ke Delapan. Dua Award ini didapatkan dari sahabat blogger dengan judul blognya adalah Tutorial Blog.
Kedua Award yang saya dapatkan ini tidak mungkin saya kantongi begitu saja melainkan akan saya bagi-bagikan kepada sahabat blogger yang lain, sehingga dengan demikian persahabatan sesama blogger akan selalu terjalin dengan baik dan erat.
Adapun Award ke Tujuh dan ke Delapan ini akan saya persembahkan kepada sepuluh sahabat blogger yang tentunya sahabat yang tidak pernah lelah untuk mendukung atau mensupport Petotu atau blog ini.
Berikut Award ke Tujuh dan ke Delapan sekaligus penerimanya :
gambar1 1. Admirer (Rosyi Habib)

2. Amburadul (Ibrahim KBM)

3. Pramuka Hidayatullah

4. Om Rizal Blog ( Rizal)

5. Kapak Community (Rosyid)
gambar3= 1.  Tutorial WP (Hariri KBM)

2.  Gang Tutorial (Sandy Doank)

3.  Cinta Sang Sahaja (Zainal KBM)

4.  Sayyidah Qur'ani (Sayyidah Ali)

5. Bali Ratih
Keren Awardnya gan..... hehehe
Saya ucapkan Terima kasih kepada Tutorial Blog yang telah memberi saya Award, semoga perjalan hidup, perjalan ngeblog akan selalau mendapatkan sesuatu yang barokah dan tentunya membawa kebahagian hidup baik dunia maupun diakhirat nanti, Amin........
dan juga saya ucapkan Selamat kepada penerima award ini, saya merasa andalah yang pastas untuk menerimanya dan saya percayakan award ini kepada kalian semua. harapan dari saya agar award ini tidak putus ditengah jalan. harapan saya award ini akan selalu mengalir hingga semua sahabat blogger mendapatkannya heheheh.
Samapi disini saja dulu pacapa dari saya.
Happy Blogging semuanya....!
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