![The number of Twitter users in Indonesia in 2012 [Review] The number of Twitter users in Indonesia in 2012 [Review]](http://www.almostlikeeverything.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/11/Twitter-Stats.jpg)
Since the era of Twitter as a social history of the media that made the boom in Cyberspace, Twitter is a social network most in interest. To position itself twitter users country ranks fifth Indonesia in 2012. Twiter utilized to establish silaturahmin, socialize and even create a business. For twitter users in 2012 itself has a lot of improvement, not inferior to other social networks like facebook. Currently twitter account users worldwide reached 383 million accounts. Maybe not so lively a social network twitter facebook existence but has shown an increase of users know to year.
Twitter users in Indonesia in 2012 was about 19.5 million active accounts in use by the Indonesian people in all walks of life. For the first ranked most twitter users around the world in countries occupied by the United States, where twitter is born. With the number of users twitter account about 107 million users, the United States still ranked in the main rate is quite far from twitter users in Indonesia. Then in the second to no country of Brazil was able to have twitter accounts to 33 million users, and subsequently in the third position was Japanese twitter users who have a number up to 24 million users.
There is a contrast to Indonesia, why is that? Although twitter users in Indonesia in 2012 was ranked third, but for the sound of voice problems on account tweet tweet twetter Indonesia in the third position. This is caused in Indonesia gemarnya twitter users to update their status so that Indonesia is more crowded compared to other countries. Maybe penchant update status is done by the user twittwer in Indonesia is no stranger anymore, because almost every user of social media both twitter and facebook are very keen to update their status, especially to increase the follower twitter.munculnya tweter indeed be happiness itself to the people very menyujai virtual world, using his twitter account one can socialize with many people who despite being in the distance.
There is some research that says the development of twitter users in Indonesia in 2012 rose sharply due to the occurrence of a transfer of social media, it was said by the menelitii semicast lemabaga development twitter account users. The number of Twitter users who rose up in the 5th position in the world turned out in barengi with decreased number of users of social networking facebook. There is some conjecture over the rise of social jejraring twitter user and facebook user decline, the main thing being alleged is the boredom factor might be facebook, so they decided to replace the twitter social media. Though originally only used by twitter some people just like the person who deals in intertaimen, day by day it is growing twitter so it can be enjoyed by many as the ultimate goal is making a lot of twitter followers with a variety of specific purposes.
For residents jakarta rise of Twitter users in Indonesia in 2012 is a natural thing, it is because of the rise of twitter account users in Jakarta, which could give rise in the impact tersebdiri for twitter users. With the various advantages and disadvantages twitter moved into position to 5 tinggkat world. With the development of science and technology will make it easy for someone to access the internet would not be surprised if social jejarang be venturing into the vast world and find a special place in the hearts of the people, especially for those who use twitter for business, social media is very helpful during the period of 2011-2012.
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